April 6, 2018
Join us in celebrating the grand opening of Great Lakes Ace Hardware in Fostoria, OH. The celebration starts on Friday, April 6 and continues on until Sunday, April 8.
Friday, April 6
11am - Chain Cutting with Mayor & City Council along with the Fostoria Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau,
11am - 1pm Refreshments to be served by Fostoria Dells Inc,
All day: Free gift bags to the first 100 customers! Door prizes featuring products from Milwaukee Tool North America, Craftsman, Weber Grills, Scotts Lawn Care & KAYTEE Wild Birds!!
Saturday, April 7
Special sale with coupon featured in local circular. Check your mailbox for this special savings!
Sunday, April 8
All day: Bucket Sale!! Donate $5 for a 5-gallon bucket and anything* that fits in the bucket is 20% off. All donations will go directly to the Fostoria Community Hospital Foundation!
1pm - 3pm: Free blood pressure screenings from Fostoria Community Hospital.