Great Lakes Ace Hardware Chain Cutting Grand Opening

April 6, 2018

Join us in celebrating the grand opening of Great Lakes Ace Hardware in Fostoria, OH. The celebration starts on Friday, April 6 and continues on until Sunday, April 8.
Friday, April 6
11am - Chain Cutting with Mayor & City Council along with the Fostoria Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau,
11am - 1pm Refreshments to be served by Fostoria Dells Inc,
All day: Free gift bags to the first 100 customers! Door prizes featuring products from Milwaukee Tool North America, Craftsman, Weber Grills, Scotts Lawn Care & KAYTEE Wild Birds!!

Saturday, April 7
Special sale with coupon featured in local circular. Check your mailbox for this special savings!

Sunday, April 8
All day: Bucket Sale!! Donate $5 for a 5-gallon bucket and anything* that fits in the bucket is 20% off. All donations will go directly to the Fostoria Community Hospital Foundation!
1pm - 3pm: Free blood pressure screenings from Fostoria Community Hospital.

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