What will return to work look like?
This is a question being grappled with at all levels and its timing weighs heavily on us all as we attempt to balance safety and economics. No matter the timing, one thing is certain, returning to work will be a gradual process and will vary by many factors including location, sector, business type and/or size and health status of employees. It will require continued social distancing, use of PPE and other safety measures. We now know when some Ohio businesses may reopen as Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announced on April 27 the roll out of Responsible Restart Ohio. Beginning May 4, Healthcare may open including dentists and veterinary clinics, General Office with the request if employees are working from home, please continue to do so, and Construction, Manufacturing and Distribution. Beginning May 12, Consumer, Retail and Services may open. However, some businesses are still closed-see the full list here.
Each sector has specific operating requirements;
All employers need to consider how to best decrease the spread of COVID-19 and lower the impact in the workplace. This guide should work in conjunction with the State of Ohio’s Responsible Restart Plan and will focus on three areas based upon the Center for Disease Control guidance for employers. This guide also includes guidance recently issued by OSHA and takes into consideration information from the Ohio Department of Health as well as resources on the CARES Act in regard to emergency sick leave and FMLA as well as printable safety resources to place in and around your workplace.
We have embedded external links for additional information and resources throughout the document and other useful links to full text of the guidance issued by both the CDC, OSHA and the Ohio Department of Health and other helpful resources. In addition, is the Smart Start Playbook developed by Magna and shared with us via RGP/Jobs Ohio. The Magna Smart Start Playbook is a great comprehensive example of policy, communication, leadership and resources and may be used as a template for your own business.
We realize information and regulations are and will change daily. We will provide updates and amend this document as appropriate, including the State of Ohio’s plan to announced throughout this week. Updated versions will be posted on both the Chamber and FEDC COVID-19 Resource pages.
Download Full Return to Work Guide
Magna Smart Start Playbook
Whitehouse Guidelines-Opening Up America Again
General Workplace Considerations
CDC Guidance for Employers
OSHA Guidance for Employers Overview
Additional Resource Links
CISA Guidance on Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce Version 3.0
CDC Screening Tool
Handwashing/Restroom Sign PDF or JPG
Prevent the Spread Sign PDF or JPG
Thank you for Practicing Social Distancing PDF or JPG
Workplace tips for Employees
Customizable Workplace Safety Flyer
CDC Know the Facts