Do you want to increase foot traffic in your business this holiday season?

  Do you want to kick of the holiday shopping season with additional exposure and access to potential customers?


The Chamber is once again hosting a Kid’s Christmas Makers Market in the hours leading up to the Rotary Holiday Parade on Saturday, December 7.  The Kid’s Christmas Makers Market is a way to encourage and empower youth with the entrepreneurial spirit while driving additional foot traffic in our downtown and into your place of business.


The Kid’s Christmas Makers Market is open to youth under the age of 18 who would like to set up and sell handmade items at their own tables housed in various downtown businesses.


For youth to participate in the Kid’s Christmas Makers Market they must submit an application to the Chamber by November 8.  All kid maker items to be sold must be handmade, only two like sellers will be accepted and kid makers must provide their own table and chairs.  Kid makers will be paired with participating downtown businesses and will set up in their partner business location during the hours of the market.  Pairings will be made by the Chamber and pairings will not be made that place kid maker and business in direct competition.  The Kid’s Maker Market will run 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., the hours leading up to the parade, on Saturday, December 7.


Our goal is to capture and increase holiday parade traffic, with friends and family of the kid makers, and drive them into your place of business to not only support the kid makers but to also give your business exposure and help your cash register ring.


We will publicize the Kid’s Christmas Makers Market and create a map of your business and kid maker locations giving credit and recognition to you as a host.  The cost to participate in the Kid’s Christmas Makers Market as a host is free.  All you have to do is provide space for one or two kid maker tables in your place of business, please let us know by November 8 and provide us with your business logo.


We ask you to consider hosting one or two kid makers in your place of business.  Without your participation, this program will not succeed.  If you have any questions or would like to sign up for the Kid’s Christmas Makers Market, please contact Sarah Stephens Krupp, at 419-435-0486 or via email at